Landscape Design

The parkette aims to enhance the streetscape for pedestrians through its planting, shade, lighting, and seating, while echoing the character of the street. 

Principles for the landscape design were drawn from a community workshop held in October 2012. 

Mary Tremain, of PLANT Architect Inc., proposed a simple and naturalistic garden that manages to host a maximal number of trees: three. Under sun and shade, the garden provides space for enjoyment, contemplation, and community gathering; and celebrates 200+ years of friendship and peace. Seating areas consist of curved wooden benches that are thoughtfully integrated within the tapered concrete planter walls that surround and protect the garden beds.

Plants and trees reflect a range of contemporary and heritage varieties local to the High Park area. Decorative, engraved granite paving tiles set among passive solar blocks, comprise the walkways, known as the Peace Path. Lighting has been incorporated to improve visibility and highlight the circular interior space. An interpretive sign provided by DRPG community partners; the Roncesvalles Village BIA, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, will be installed at the southwest corner. This sign will be unveiled on Saturday June 11th at the garden's opening ceremonies.

Landscape Design Public Meeting - October 2013

Landscape Design Public Meeting - October 2013